
The Accidental Husband


The Accidental Husband

The most sacred words for the couple getting married should have been, "I now pronounce you husband and wife." It wasn't for them, though. All it took was one wish that turned into tragedy and everything fell apart. ****** Life was never a bed of roses for Aavya Sinha. But despite everything that happened, she never gave up. Love, on the other hand, was one thing in which neither luck nor effort was fruitful. However after Kunal entered her life, she began to feel worthy of love once more. But will she now lead a happily ever after? ****** Arvik Raichand, COO of L.I.E.R, one of the most prestigious companies in San Francisco, is entirely focused on his work. He only intended to go to his cousin's wedding in India because he needed to negotiate a contract that would be advantageous for the business. Love or, more specifically, having a relationship, was not even on his list of goals until the tragedy that flipped his life upside down.

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Shrishtee Suman

A seasoned author whose passion lies in transforming fiction into reality through her words.